Monday, 4 May 2015

District Ten

"It will all be it won't..."

Name: Mallia Napion
Victory of the 69th Annual Hunger Games
Age of Victory: Seventeen
Arena: Desert wasteland
Weapon of choice: Stealth, Thievery, Dagger
Kill Count: One
Status: Mentally unstable.
Successful Mentorships: None

Extremely unstable, Mallia constantly switches between being optimistic and pessimistic. The arena has broken her mind beyond repair, leaving Mallia to become unpredictable and even dangerous. The Capitol don’t seem to care, and as the only living victor from District Ten, Mallia must attempt to mentor her tributes, even when she is a danger to both them and her fellow colleagues. Despite being so unpredictable, Mallia is incredibly observant. Listen well to her ramblings, and you may learn something.  

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