Monday, 4 May 2015

District Seven

"We look strong, but inside, we're crumbling."

Name: Rowan Enderson
Victor of the 68th Annual Hunger Games
Age of Victory: Seventeen
Arena: Space Station
Weapon of choice: Tomahawk
Kill Count: Four
Status: Alive
Successful Mentorships: Harvard Coil

Rowan at best, is insecure and parnoid. He constantly believes that someone is out to kill him or to conspire against him. This reflects on his tributes, especially in more recent years. Since the Quell, Rowan’s tributes have usually gone solo, or have joined small alliances, often trusting no-one. Still, Rowan is always up for a helping hand. In his eyes, helping someone might deter them from stabbing you in the back in the future.

"We should be stopping what's wrong, not promoting it."

Name: Harvard Coil
Victor of the 73rd Annual Hunger Games
Age of Victory: Eighteen
Arena: Shopping Centre
Weapon of choice: Foil
Kill Count: Three
Status: Alive
Successful Mentorships: None

Harvard is a serious young man, believing that the Games should be something to be stopped. Harvard and Connor Weaver, from Eight, tend to clash over this quite often. As a result of Harvard’s outbursts about how horrible the Games are, Connor told President Snow, who proceeded to kill each and every person Harvard loved. Since then, Harvard has made sure to tell everyone he meets never to trust Connor. The two of them are mortal enemies. 

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